
Reason Canada is allowing migrants next year.

Reason Canada is allowing migrants next year.
According to statistics Canada, the ratio of unemployed people to job vacancies decreased from 4.5 in 1Q 2016 to 1.4 1Q in 2022 . Yes — on average there is close to just one person available to fill every job vacancy. The biggest hard-hit sectors — manufacturing, food services, healthcare, retail, construction — stated that finding labour is a significant challenge. So if you are planning to immigrate to Canada and can service these sectors, Canada’s government will welcome you with open arms. That doesn’t mean you are guaranteed a job. That’s still on you to convince the hiring manager of private companies to hire you. The labour shortage would probably mean that it won’t take too much convincing. Canada also allows so many immigrants so that the elderly survive. It is our taxes that pay for support our aging population. According to statistics Canada, in 2020, there were 3.33 people between the ages of 25–64 for every person aged 65 and above. But projections show that this will decline. An article from CBC titled “Where your tax dollars go” highlighted that the single biggest expense from the federal government was elderly benefits. Reason Canada is projecting declining population? Possibly because our generation are choosing to not procreate as much? A couple would need to produce at least 3 kids to increase the population right? Although much of the Canadian is not made to be livable, there are several underdeveloped towns, cities and country sides that are very much livable. Take Sudbury as an example - a popular town (at least by name) and very much livable, sits at a modest 44 people per sq km. There is no doubt that newcomers to Canada can struggle to find a job here, due to: Lack of Canadian experience Lack of a local network Lack of clear, confident English/French-speaking skills Lack of knowledge on how a modern job search is actually done And sometimes, even an undeserved sense of entitlement Any of these reasons can, and will, work against a newcomer trying to find their first job.
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