
Another deadly disease outbreak (Monkeypox) Alert

Many of monkeypox cases are suspected all over the world after the outbreak of Corona virus. There's a monkeypox outbreak in the European countries like portugal,Spain , United Kingdom etc. Monkeypox is a disease that mostly occure in central and western Africa. It is called monkeypox because it was first identified in monkeys. Monkeypox can spread when someone is in close contact with an infected person.
Mostly, people catch monkeypox from animals in West Africa or central Africa and import the virus to other countries. Monkeypox has killed almost 60 people and infected over 1,200 others in the Democratic Republic of the Congo since the beginning of this year. Monkeypox symptoms or Early signs of monkeypox include flu-like symptoms such as, Fever, Chills, Headache, Muscle, aches, Fatigue, Swollen lymph nodes. Studies in central Africa, where people have less access to quality health care, show the disease kills as many as it can. The rash often starts on your face and then spreads to other parts of your body, including the palms of your hands and soles of your feet.
Monkeypox in small animals imported from Ghana as exotic pets was at the origin of an outbreak of human monkeypox in the USA in 2003 according to research from Texas lab. Now the virus outbreaks again and it's spreading fast all over the world. Many countries have confirmed many cases and this could lead to a second lock down worldwide. There’s no proven, safe treatment available for monkeypox.
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